New York Special Ruger 10/22


5 in stock

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    Gideon Optics Alpha, Green Circle Dot + Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $180.00.
    Gideon Optics Omega, Green Circle Dot + Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $180.00.

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SKU: Firearm_NewYork_Ruger_10-22 Categories: , ,


Live under Hochul Minh and want a 10/22 without all the extra BS? Well, you’re in luck because I have what you need.

This 10/22 is a plain-Jane one, model number 31210 that has been given a customized factory trigger pack to turn this rifle into an interrupted semi-auto, aka single shot rifle. 

To charge: Pull the bolt back and it will automatically hold back. Insert magazine and thumb the bolt release forward to send the bolt home and chamber a round. On firing, the bolt will be captured in the rearward position, requiring that you thumb the release again.

If you try to defeat the rearward lock by riding the bolt release or you have a powder puff load that doesn’t cycle the gun fully, you will end up with a dead trigger and will have to recharge it.

This is a fully-compliant NY legal solution to getting a 10/22 without having to get a semi-auto permit.